Main Location724 N 22nd Street |
Main: (816) 364-1501 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Andrew, and Buchanan |
Hammond Building901 Felix Street |
Main: (816) 364-1501 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Andrew, and Buchanan |
Maryville109 E Summit |
Main: (660) 582-3139 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, and Worth |
Cameron101 W 3rd |
Main: (816) 632-6161 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Clinton, and Dekalb |