Hannibal Office154 Forrest Drive |
Main: (573) 221-2120 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Schuyler, Scotland, and Shelby |
Kirksville Office105 Pfeiffer Ave |
Main: (660) 665-4612 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, Psychiatric Services, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Schuyler, Scotland, and Shelby |
Macon Office309 N Missouri St |
Main: (660) 395-9114 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Crisis Services, Children's Services, Substance Use Disorder Services, and Outpatient Therapy |
Counties: Adair, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Macon, Marion, Schuyler, Scotland, and Shelby |
Recovery Bowling Green1420 Business 61 South, Unit G |
Main: (573) 324-2929 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Canton504 Lewis Street |
Main: (573) 288-3487 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Dorm-General Population3125 Palmyra Road |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Dorm-Women & Children3500 Palmyra Road |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Hannibal146 Communications Drive |
Main: (573) 248-1196 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Mexico201 East Monroe Street, Ste 103 |
Main: (573) 581-8828 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Moberly100 East Rollins Street, Ste A |
Main: (660) 269-8852 |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |
Recovery Transitional House3609 Atoka Road |
Crisis Line: (988) - |
Services: Substance Use Disorder Services, Outpatient Therapy, and Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) |
Counties: Lewis, Marion, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, and Randolph |