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Upstream Youth Mapping Collaboration Project

A collaborative project to better resources and services for children and youth in our communities by improving availability, accessibility, and awareness.

The Missouri Behavioral Health Council (MBHC) is partnering with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH), the Office of State Courts Administrator (OSCA), the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Children's Division, and the Missouri Juvenile Justice Association (MJJA) to conduct Youth Mapping Workshops in Missouri. A Youth Mapping Workshop brings together a team of local stakeholders and utilizes the Upstream tool in strategic planning to assess available resources, identify gaps/challenges in accessing services, and establish a plan for community change (and ultimately statewide change!) of children’s services. Upstream is a community-based approach that leverages judicial leadership and collaborations with child welfare agencies, state and local public agencies, community-based organizations, and community members to increase access to community-based services, prevent child maltreatment and out-of-home placement, reduce court involvement, and support strong, safe, and healthy families. Consultants will facilitate circuit mappings from January through May 2024. Starting in June, in-state trained facilitators will complete mappings for the remaining circuits.

Our goal is to improve the availability, accessibility, and awareness of resources and services for children and youth in our communities. Statewide systems-level solutions and trends in needs will be included in future Annual Reports to state stakeholders. For more information on Upstream: Upstream | NCSC

The project will provide the following:

  • NCSC Consultants
  • Facilitator training provided by Upstream.
  • Support of local mappings, providing technical assistance, mapping toolkits and supplies, food and beverage for attendees, and A/V or room rental assistance if needed for location (MBHC will facilitate these logistics with the workshop coordinators).
  • An Upstream Summit led by NCSC in the final stages to gather representatives from around the state.
  • POST certification will be provided for law enforcement.
  • Continuing education will be provided for licensed staff.

Our project team will help with the planning and logistics of each workshop (including example documents and templates to use). We have trained facilitators from Upstream who are ready to assist, and we will train another group of facilitators early next year. MBHC will assist in matching your workshop with trained facilitators and providing the support you need to conduct a successful workshop.

For more information about planning an Upstream Youth Mapping Workshop in your county, please contact Daisy Cheek at


Judge Melissa Buckman-Young

"The 12th Circuit is focused and energized following the Upstream Mapping Workshop. We plan to utilize a multi-disciplinary group already in place to accomplish the goals identified in Upstream. The Upstream Mapping added multi-disciplinary members to that group as well."

Dr. Anne Billington, Early Childhood Principal

"The opportunity to participate in strengthening children and families through prevention and intervention strategies is unbelievable. Working with Upstream at the state and local levels will create more resources, promote more community involvement, continue to build existing relationships, and ultimately help us to create an action plan. I am so excited to be a part of this process with Upstream!"

Judge Rebecca Richardson

“It is inspiring to see such a dedicated group of individuals spending their time and talents to help Lincoln and Pike County families. I look forward to seeing the action plans created in this workshop implemented for the betterment of our communities.”

Cheri Winchester, Executive Director - Lincoln County Resource Board

“Breaking down silos. Navigating barriers. Collaborating to address underlying root causes that lead to the brokenness of systems, people, and communities. This is what the Upstream workshops will afford our circuit and county. Only when we can come together to foster understanding, assess roles and outcomes, and pledge commitment to comprehensive, transformative improvements will we accomplish our ultimate objective: Building a bridge to keep our citizens from falling into the depths of despair, leading to healing, hope and community improvement for all.”